Boys Love Manga

How to Draw Manga Characters in 7 Easy Steps

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Let’s face it: creating characters is hard. Even the most brilliant artists can struggle with drawing their favorite characters. Fortunately, there are plenty of tutorials online that will get you started on the right track. If you’re looking to try your hand at drawing manga characters, then keep reading to discover how to draw manga characters in 7 easy steps.

Draw the Characters Shape

The first step in drawing any character is to draw out the characters shape. This can be drawn out on a piece of scrap paper or a computer program. You can either draw the shape of the head and then draw the rest of the body around it or draw the shape of the body on a separate piece of paper and then trace it onto your computer. Once you have the shape of the character drawn out, you’ll use that as a guide when you draw the other parts of the character. The next step is to draw the eyes. Eyeballs can be very difficult to draw, so it is important to practice a lot before you try to draw the eyes. The best way to practice is to look at the eyes of other characters and copy them. Once you have practiced drawing the eyes, try drawing the eyebrows, too. Now that you have the eyes, mouth, and eyelids drawn, it’s time to draw the forehead and the nose.

Draw the Eyes

As mentioned above, the eyes are one of the most difficult parts of drawing any character. The eyes are what you use to communicate with the reader, so you want to make sure they are drawn well. They are also one of the most important parts of a character. The eyes of a character can be drawn in a few different ways. If the character is young, the eyes can be drawn in childlike shapes. As the character ages, the eyes can be drawn in an adult shape. It is up to the artist how they draw their characters. Practice drawing the eyes and make sure to draw the iris and the pupils. Be sure to draw the whites of the eyes as well. The eyebrows should be drawn over the top of the eyes, not on the eyes themselves.

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Draw the Forehead

The forehead is probably one of the easiest parts of a character to draw. Generally, the forehead will be drawn in the middle of the face with the temples coming out on either side. The forehead should be drawn as a rounded shape so it blends with the shape of the rest of the head. The forehead is generally drawn in the same color as the hair or at least very close to the hair color.

Draw the Mouth

The mouth can be the most difficult part of a character to draw. The mouth will generally be drawn in the same shade as the hair or skin. Depending on the style of the artist, the mouth can be drawn in a variety of different shapes. Generally, the proportions of the mouth are equal to the rest of the head. The shape of the mouth can be a variety of different shapes such as a straight line, an upside-down U, or a heart shape. The mouth can also be drawn as a shape that is completely filled in.

Draw the Nose

The nose is another part of a character that is generally drawn in the same shade as the hair or skin. The nose generally has the same proportions as the mouth. However, the nose can be drawn in a variety of different shapes such as a straight line, an upside-down U, a heart shape, or a combination of shapes. The nose can also be drawn as a shape that is completely filled in. There are also times when an artist will draw the nose with a bump on the end. This is called a ‘beak nose.’

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Draw the Eyebrows

The eyebrows are generally drawn over the eyes and above the nose. The eyebrows should be drawn in the same shade as the hair or skin. Like the mouth and nose, the eyebrows can be drawn in a variety of different shapes. This includes straight lines, upside-down U shapes, heart shapes, and combinations of shapes. The eyebrows should be drawn so the artist is more focusing on the shape of the eyes. This can be challenging if the eyes are being drawn in a very messy fashion. In this case, the artist can draw a few quick shapes over the eyes to help them focus more on the eyes.

Draw the Lips in a Line

The lips are generally drawn in the same shade as the hair or skin. Like the eyebrows and eyes, the lips can be drawn in a variety of different shapes such as straight lines, upside-down U shapes, heart shapes, and combinations of shapes. The lips should be drawn so the artist is more focusing on the shape of the mouth. This can be challenging if the mouth is being drawn in a very messy fashion. In this case, the artist can draw a few quick shapes over the mouth to help them focus more on the mouth.

Add Color to Your Drawing

Now that you have your manga characters drawn, it is time to add color to your drawing. This can be done in a variety of different ways. One way is to trace over the manga characters with colored pencils. This will allow you to add color to the manga characters without destroying the line that was drawn on the paper. Another way to add color to your drawing is to use colored pens. This allows the artist to add color to the drawing without destroying the line that was drawn on the paper. Another way to add color to your drawing is by coloring books. This is a fun way for the artist to draw their characters. Coloring books allow the artist to add a variety of different colors to their drawing.

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Final Words

Manga characters are a very interesting and fun way to express yourself through art. By drawing manga characters, you can express your creativity and add a new twist to your art. While it can be frustrating at times, drawing manga characters is a great way to challenge yourself in the art world and make friends along the way. Keep practicing and don’t be afraid to ask your teachers for help. With time and hard work, you will be drawing manga characters like a pro.

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How to Draw Manga Characters in 7 Easy Steps

by Bl Comics time to read: 4 min